Linac Doors

Cancer, for the Son of man 20.from the hag from the nightmare, and the solution is the common name of diseases that cannot be reached fully. According to the type of diseases and treatment methods used in the various phases. Formed in the body of the tumor from outside the mainstream to X-ray or radiation therapy is called radiation among the public. Linear accelerators (linear accelerator, or Linac, is given to machines that can do the operation. Linac machines X-rays are high energy (4-25 MeV) with e the disease by accelerating to stop the player directly into a tumor and, ultimately, to completely eliminate the risk hedeflen treatment. To prevent damage caused by high energy radiation during the treatment to healthy people due to the architecture of the room and the room where the machine is a door made entry and exit to the importance is very great. Linac prior to the manufacture of the door; the room of the architect for the project, there is a need to power the machine, and the position of the machine. After this is reached, the data lead and other materials used in manufacturing the door by making the necessary calculations linac together with the picture of the listing submitted for the approval of the employer. The manufacturing process begins after the necessary approvals have been obtained, and then the assembly process is performed. Afterwards, taek (Turkish Atomic Energy authority) after obtaining the necessary approvals from the product is delivered to the employer. Of birth ed drug used in hospitals doors,leaded doors,radiation doors, clean room doors, hermetic doors of the manufacturing and maintenance available 24 hours a day for 7 days

Label : door Linac , Linac doors, panel doors, Leaded front Linak a room, and the door, the door Leaded Linak,

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