Radiology Rooms-Plated

X-rays to be done in the field lead plated

X-rays to be done has to be done for rooms with special coating, and a Coating 2 mm lead TAEK in accordance with standards in this area should be preferred. Coating the coating on the lead of the bird along with the paneling so it would not be an important factor promoting the appearance of a normal room as it emerges. In addition, the Pres which is provided the use of leaded doors X-ray rooms, we can see that it is possible to achieve a much more effective result. The use of options on different dimensions lead glass is ensured in this area, therefore according to the condition of the rooms on the possibility of projecting over a certain section or area and a complete turn-key in a way it is ensured that these rooms are offered.

A lead plate 2 mm thick Shroud wall, ready on the system to request the provision of MDF or paneling coating applications with in an appropriate way and is seen as preferable. Atomic Energy Agency in accordance with standards required of coatings is provided. Lead coating must be given on the service under optimal conditions. If you wish work that we have done in this area before coating in a relaxed manner that we are able to review and reference our results you can see how this system for a healthy future.

In the medical field, especially for patients with cancer of chemotherapy by the application which is being applied to the design of the rooms of X rays without damaging it in any way necessary to recover in a good way, you know it has the armor of the frame. Shielding must be provided in a good way Radiology medical laboratories and X-ray devices are being used in the room where the dimensions of the room or used to offer, it is crucial that protection be on in a good way.

These rooms usually m2, 3x4, 4x5 m2 4,It will be possible to make a selection on the dimension of 6x5 m2.

For rooms which have a width of 3 meters and 4 meters at a height of 2.5 meters seems to be able to 2000 shots on an annual basis.

20 square meter room in over 3000 years seems to be able to capture the height of 2,8 meters.

For a room of dimensions 4.6 x 5 covering an area of 23 square meters and a height of 3 meters seems to be able to on an annual basis under 4000 shots.


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